- You had instructions to clean up the beast ! Those rags he's wearing are an offense to the dignity of this tribunal !
-This exhibit is indeed a man, therefore he has no rights under ape-law.
-This is a man, isn't he ?
-He's unlike every man you have ever seen, as we hope to prove.
-Answer the question, Dr. Zira. Is he a man ?
-Perhaps the question itself is the point at issue. Is he a man, a deviant or a freak of nature?
-Objection !
-Dr. Zira, in all fairness, you must admit that the accused is a non-ape, therefore he has no rights under ape-law.
-Then why is he called "the accused" ? You must consider him guilty of something.
-He's not being tried, he's being disposed ! It's scientific heresey that he's being tried here.
-Then I'll defend myself !
-Silence ! Silence the animal!
-You may proceed, Mr Prosecutor.
-Learned Judges, my case is simple, it is based on our first article of faith. God, Almighty, created the ape in his own image, that he gave him a soul and a mind and set him apart from the beasts in the jungle and made him Lord of the planet. These sacred truths are self-evident. The proper study of apes is apes, but certain young cynics have chosen to study man, yes, perverted scientists who advance an insidious theory called "evolution"!

Extrait du film de science-fiction La Plančte des singes, 1969