L'Oeil de Vichy logo francais


Claude Chabrol
119 min

The film-maker Claude Chabrol has for once departed from his fictional tales of the middle-classes in order to show some news pictures. He has used familiar film newsreel pictures from the past, more particularly from the Vichy regime. So we see advancing german troops, the Exodus, Paul Reynaud, the Maréchal Vainqueur of Verdun, the Armistice, Montoire, etc. This is propaganda which both then and now was able to seduce by means of its habitualness and by identification : episodes, characters and events make up a family like any other. A family with its own past, present but no future (as it later turned out). In the face of these images, which were intended as an ultimate means of control, Claude Chabrol rightly acts as an academic : he allows the lies to speak for themselves.

La tarte au citron

Boubou cravate

Les cowboys sont noirs

Ils ont tué Kader

Pas vu à la télé


France tour détour

Act Up


En Amérique